Take this sample test. If you fail the test, you may not want to represent yourself at a Social Security disability hearing. The following are reasonable items of knowledge that should be expected at any hearing. Answers are given following the test. There are no trick questions.
1. How many years are there in "past relevant work" history?
2. How many sequential steps are there in evaluating an SSDI claim?
3. Which exertional level requires the ability to stand or walk for only about two hours out of an eight-hour workday?
4. True or False? The inability to walk one block at a reasonable pace over a rough or uneven surface is an example of ineffective persistence and pace?
5. Jobs at which exertional level usually requires the ability to react appropriately with co-workers, supervisors and the general public?
6. If an individual is restricted to medium exertional level work, at what other levels can he also perform.
7. You are alleging disability as of September 1, 2012; however, you've been working 15 hours a week, earning $12.50 per hour during that time period.. Does this work disqualify you for SSDI? Why or why not?
8. The vocational expert at your hearing testifies that he does not believe that rheumatoid arthritis in both knees qualifies as a disability? Can he do that?
9. The vocational expert testifies that you are unable to perform any of your past relevant work and that you cannot perform any other work in the national or regional economy. Should you question the vocational expert following this testimony?
10. You have previously worked as a construction laborer, a janitor, and parking garage attendant. You worked longer than three years at each job. Do you have skills that will transfer to other work in the national economy?
1. 15 years
2. 5
3. sedentary work
4. False; it is an example of ineffective ambulation.
5. all exertional levels
6. In addition to medium, he can also perform light and sedentary work.
7. No, because the wages are less than substantial gainful activity, which is $1,040 per month in 2013.
8. The VE cannot give this testimony because he/she is not a medical doctor and is unqualified to offer a medical opinion.
9. No. It would be useless and perhaps counter productive to question the VE at that point.
10. No. Since all of this work is unskilled, no skills were obtained, thus there are no skills to transfer.
Allow 10 points for each correct answer. (Remember, during the hearing you will be under considerable pressure, without nearly as much time for thinking about responses).
100 - 90 Exceptional
70 - 80 Not bad
Below 70 Hire a representative today
1. How many years are there in "past relevant work" history?
2. How many sequential steps are there in evaluating an SSDI claim?
3. Which exertional level requires the ability to stand or walk for only about two hours out of an eight-hour workday?
4. True or False? The inability to walk one block at a reasonable pace over a rough or uneven surface is an example of ineffective persistence and pace?
5. Jobs at which exertional level usually requires the ability to react appropriately with co-workers, supervisors and the general public?
6. If an individual is restricted to medium exertional level work, at what other levels can he also perform.
7. You are alleging disability as of September 1, 2012; however, you've been working 15 hours a week, earning $12.50 per hour during that time period.. Does this work disqualify you for SSDI? Why or why not?
8. The vocational expert at your hearing testifies that he does not believe that rheumatoid arthritis in both knees qualifies as a disability? Can he do that?
9. The vocational expert testifies that you are unable to perform any of your past relevant work and that you cannot perform any other work in the national or regional economy. Should you question the vocational expert following this testimony?
10. You have previously worked as a construction laborer, a janitor, and parking garage attendant. You worked longer than three years at each job. Do you have skills that will transfer to other work in the national economy?
1. 15 years
2. 5
3. sedentary work
4. False; it is an example of ineffective ambulation.
5. all exertional levels
6. In addition to medium, he can also perform light and sedentary work.
7. No, because the wages are less than substantial gainful activity, which is $1,040 per month in 2013.
8. The VE cannot give this testimony because he/she is not a medical doctor and is unqualified to offer a medical opinion.
9. No. It would be useless and perhaps counter productive to question the VE at that point.
10. No. Since all of this work is unskilled, no skills were obtained, thus there are no skills to transfer.
Allow 10 points for each correct answer. (Remember, during the hearing you will be under considerable pressure, without nearly as much time for thinking about responses).
100 - 90 Exceptional
70 - 80 Not bad
Below 70 Hire a representative today
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