Posted by the Forsythe Firm (256) 799-0297
Social Security Disability Representatives in Huntsville, AL
The purpose of a Social Security disability appeal is to restore and recover all of your disability benefits, including back pay. When Social Security sends you a letter stating that "you are not disabled under our rules," your appeal should address the issue of back pay. You should prove that you were disabled at the time you filed the original application - or even further in the past if that is the case.Too many times we see claimants win current benefits but forfeit all their back pay, which could be thousands of dollars. An appeal should have a goal of protecting and collecting back benefits as well as future benefits.
Back pay hinges on the date of alleged onset. This is the date the claimant states that he or she first became unable to work. Under Social Security rules an applicant may go back up to one year prior to the date of application under Title II rules. For instance, if you file your disability application on November 1, 2012, you could qualify for back pay going back to November 1, 2011. Of course, you must prove that were disabled on November 1, 2011 and that the disability has been continuous since that time.
The appeal should present medical evidence of disability dating at least 12 months prior to the application date if applicable. Otherwise, you will fail to recover all of the money to which you may be entitled.
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