For mental disorders in childen Social Security disability cosiders functional restrictions in the areas of motor function, cognitive/communicative function, social function, personal function; and the areas of concentration, persistence and pace. Levels of functional severity may be documented in one of two ways: (1) by use of appropriate standardized tests, or (2) use of other medical findings from a clinical psychologist or physician. Social Security prefers standardized tests when such methods are available.
The ranges of function used to assess impairments in children varies at different ages. For example, in older infants and toddlers up to age 3, severity of impairment is measured in 3 areas: motor development, cognitive/communicative function, and social function.
"Age appropriate function" is a general gage against which the child's impairment(s) may be measured.
If you have a child that you believe may qualify for disability benefits under the Social Security Act, consider whether you have sufficient medical or psychological data to measure the severity of the child's functional limitations. Treatment or evaluation by a medically acceptable source (physician or clinical psychologist) will be essential to document the claim.
Also keep in mind that disability claims in children are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims under Title XVI. SSI claimants must meet both medical and non-medical (income and personal resource) guidelines to qualify. SSI severely restricts both family income and financial resources for eligibility. Thus, a child who has a proven and severe functional limitation may still be disqualifed from receiving SSI benefits due to family income or financial resources.
A call to the US Social Security Adminstration at 1-800-772-1213 should tell you whether your child qualifies for SSI benefits under the non-medical guidelines.
The Forsythe Firm in Huntsville represents children with physical or mental disabilities in obtaining Social Security disability benefits. This link will take you to our main website.
The ranges of function used to assess impairments in children varies at different ages. For example, in older infants and toddlers up to age 3, severity of impairment is measured in 3 areas: motor development, cognitive/communicative function, and social function.
"Age appropriate function" is a general gage against which the child's impairment(s) may be measured.
If you have a child that you believe may qualify for disability benefits under the Social Security Act, consider whether you have sufficient medical or psychological data to measure the severity of the child's functional limitations. Treatment or evaluation by a medically acceptable source (physician or clinical psychologist) will be essential to document the claim.
Also keep in mind that disability claims in children are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims under Title XVI. SSI claimants must meet both medical and non-medical (income and personal resource) guidelines to qualify. SSI severely restricts both family income and financial resources for eligibility. Thus, a child who has a proven and severe functional limitation may still be disqualifed from receiving SSI benefits due to family income or financial resources.
A call to the US Social Security Adminstration at 1-800-772-1213 should tell you whether your child qualifies for SSI benefits under the non-medical guidelines.
The Forsythe Firm in Huntsville represents children with physical or mental disabilities in obtaining Social Security disability benefits. This link will take you to our main website.
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