You Must File a Timely Application. You must apply for Social Security disability benefits within 5 years after you stop working. Your insured status will expire, making a new claim impossible for an impairment that began later. If there are gaps in your work history, you may have even less time to file a new claim. Don't wait too long to file after you stop working. You Must Have Enough Quarters of Work. You become an insured person under the Social Security Act by working and paying FICA taxes. Most adults need 20 quarters of work to be covered. These 20 quarters generally must have been accumulated within the most recent 10 year period prior to filing a claim. Very young individuals might need less than 20 quarters of work. Your Disabling Condition Must Last At Least 12 Months. Short term disability lasting less than 12 consecutive months is not covered by Social Security. You must have an impairment that h...
The Forsythe Firm Social Security Disability Specialists--Fighting for your disability benefits so you don't have to. Free case evaluations. Huntsville (256) 799-0297 Nashville (615) 732-6159