Recent changes in federal regulations now require representatives to submit all evidence, regardless of whether it helps or hurts the claimant's disability case. The purpose of this change is to prevent representatives from cherry picking evidence to submit only that which is deemed helpful to the claimant's case. If a representative asks the claimant's doctor to provide a functional capacity evaluation or medical source statement, that document must be submitted to Social Security decision makers, even if it demonstrates that the claimant is not disabled. Generally, we believe that this is a fair rule. It should not be an unreasonable burden for representatives and it should not place any further hindrance on the claims of claimants who have legitimate disabilities. If the new regulation strengthens the integrity of the Social Security disability process, then everyone wins. Answers to Social Security Disability Questions
The Forsythe Firm Social Security Disability Specialists--Fighting for your disability benefits so you don't have to. Free case evaluations. Huntsville (256) 799-0297 Nashville (615) 732-6159